marie-noëlle carré

Marie-Noëlle Carré was trained in geography and land planning. She dedicated her PhD (Université Sorbonne- Nouvelle Paris 3 - IHEAL-CREDA, France) to waste governance and management in Buenos Aires, Argentina and her postdoctoral research (Centre de Recherche en Éthique - Université de Montréal) to environmental and political ethics of closured sanitary landfills in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


She currently works as a project director in an urbanism and planning company in Montreal. She also is a lecturer at Université de Montréal and teaches in the postgraduate program "Environment and Sustainable Development.” As an associated researcher to the CREDA (Centre de recherche et de documentation des Amériques - France), Marie-Noëlle is involved in the research program GUYINT (The challenges of the Guianas plateau's Governance) directed by François-Michel Le Tourneau (UMI iGlobes CNRS/University of Arizona).